Why do we have the boob tube? Because we all are tired and angry at the end of a work day in which the only thing you are proud of is the salary. Marx said religion was the opium of the masses. Well so is TV and we like mind candy trash such as Palin. The GOP wouldn't engage in politics of personal destruction if it didn't sway those poor lost souls who believe Beck, Palin, Limbaugh and Hannity.Having a person who viciously attacks Democrats and is easy on the eyes is too tempting for the GOP leaders. They can condone the violent turn that their lunatic fringe is currently engaging in—and which Palin has encouraged as far back as in the 2008 campaign, so obviously the GOP is for anything that incites their base—anything they think will provide them with a partisan advantage.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Even the Tea Party Doesn't Take Her Seriously
Why do we have the boob tube? Because we all are tired and angry at the end of a work day in which the only thing you are proud of is the salary. Marx said religion was the opium of the masses. Well so is TV and we like mind candy trash such as Palin. The GOP wouldn't engage in politics of personal destruction if it didn't sway those poor lost souls who believe Beck, Palin, Limbaugh and Hannity.Having a person who viciously attacks Democrats and is easy on the eyes is too tempting for the GOP leaders. They can condone the violent turn that their lunatic fringe is currently engaging in—and which Palin has encouraged as far back as in the 2008 campaign, so obviously the GOP is for anything that incites their base—anything they think will provide them with a partisan advantage.
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