Wednesday, November 11, 2009


is myspace truly dead ?
well i would think that its jus at the end of it's run these dayz.
with the recent twitter up rise through the world and the o so addictive facebook catch on, myspace as been put on the back burner.
it seems jus likk yesterday myspace had the world at its feet and was the global hotspot for everything, it got to the point where u hadd to check ur page every damn secound of the day spending countless hours on the PC lol
now every bodys on the facebook or twitter blogger there liffs away likk theres no tommorow, and i think its great that people can fianlly express them selve full time and face book is a better search to connect with old friends so twitter and facebook have pulled there way through the myspace takeover !
ima keep this post on the rise of what will become withen the yrs !

why people

why does every nigga think they a rapper these days look just cause you can say "roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so are you" does not make you a rapper let that dream are not going to be successful!

Monday, November 9, 2009

the jump off

art is my passion, music is my life, education is my backbone, poetry is my release, life is my game, success is my destination (cont)