Last week was a major week for the social network Facebook. Not only did the social network celebrate it’s 6th year birthday, but also officially announced there are more than 400 million users.
That means in just over two months, the company has gained more than 50 million users. It took more than 4 years to get 100 million users, and since then Facebook’s population has been increasing and the speed that it’s growing is increasing as well.
interesting graph showing on average what Facebook did a day from the moment they hit 300 million users until last week’s 400 millionth user mark. On average, 700,000 new Facebook user accounts were created every day. That’s roughly 486 new accounts a minute or a little more than 8 accounts a second. Over all that equals 21 million users a month.
We already know that if Facebook were a nation, it would be the third most populous in the world. But to put the 21 million users into perspective, that’s more than New Zealand’s, Costa Rica’s, Ireland’s, Puerto Rico’s and the state of Iowa’s populations combined. That’s pretty significant.
Royal Pingdom’s chart also estimates that there will be about 630 million users by years end. Some experts predict even higher numbers, but those are all estimates for now. However, once the company hits 500 million users, that’s will be a major milestone. That’s half a billion users. As of right now with the 400 million users, that’s about a third of both China’s & India’s populations respectively.
Facebook also rolled out a new layout design last week, which now focuses on the search aspect of the social network along with creating an access column on the left side of the page which will take you virtually anywhere you want to go within Facebook.